Friendship Quotes – a large collection of famous and inspirational quotes


Tag: boy bands

Tom DeLonge from Blink 182 Quotes

tom_delonge– “I can’t live without Mexican food.”
– “I spy on my dad when he’s taking a shower just like everybody else.”
– “Punk has nothing to do with what label you’re on.”
– “All the selling out talk is really overrated, the funny thing is it hardly ever comes from bands, it comes from some kid who thinks they’re so punk because they have a purple mohawk.”
– “People always throw things at us.”
– “Right now people think I’m ugly, but in 150 years they might think I’m handsome.”
– “I applaud anyone who thinks I’m good-looking and invite them into my world.”

– “I call everyone stinky butt.”

– “Anybody that is going to hear the record is going to think, «The songs totally suck, but the production is so amazing, I’m going to go buy the record.»” – on Enema of the State

– “Right after Seattle all eyes went to San Diego.”

– “As long as we helped you discover that the world is a beautiful place.”

– “I think we need therapy.”

– “I think it’s so incredible that there are all these boy bands out there, like the Backstreet Boys and N’sync. They’re all so bad! It hurts me, I’ve cried!”

– “And they choreograph everything, including the sex they have with each other after the shows!” – about boy bands

– “I don’t think that listening to the Beastie Boys is embarrassing because I think they are a really great band.”

– “The only reason in the world that I bought a computer was to look up UFO sites.”

– “It’s all on this giant fiberoptic system tied into the Pentagon and they are monitoring everything we do and we’re all gonna die.”

– “We write about relationships, and just growing up though high school, that kind of stuff.”

– “Success is strange.”

– “When you go from selling no records to selling lots of them, you have to wonder-did your mom buy them all? Are they just sitting in your garage?”

– “It’s a travelling punk rock barbecue.” – about Warped Tour

– “I hated, hated, hated my job. You know those people who hate there job? That was me.”

– “We were bored and we couldn’t get chicks. So we decided if we’d be in a band, that would take care of two problems at once.”

– “I might be a dork, but I don’t want to be a jerk.”

– “There are far too many people out there who take themselves too seriously.”

– “All in the name of science of course!”

– “We don’t want to grow up, we never want to grow up!”

– “We’re just really lucky. We’re not better than anybody else.”

– “Please don’t throw your dirty toilet paper, I’m not hungry.”

– “And we don’t stay up all night driving, now we stay up all night drinking.”

– “I just want to make a UFO movie.”

– “These days, if we’re not sleeping, we’re trying to get food or we’re watching TV.”

– “We pull off looking stupid very well. We can do that without even trying.”

– “I am such a freak.”

– “I used to drink a lot of beer, but I was just getting fat as can be.”

– “We don’t want to be Green Day!”

– “The worst thing in the world is shit, and shit comes out of the butt.”

– “There’s too many rad things to stick in your butt besides a living animal.”