Friendship Quotes – a large collection of famous and inspirational quotes


Tag: George Raveling

Funny Motivational Sports Quotes

Any American boy can be a basketball star if he grows up, up, up. – Bill Vaughn

On how to make the game more exciting – Eliminate the referees, raise the basket four feet, double the size of the basketball, limit the height of the players to 5 feet 9 inches, bring back the center jump, allow taxi drivers in for free and allow the players to carry guns. – Al McGuire

Fans never fall asleep at our games because they’re afraid they might get hit with a pass. – George Raveling

Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don’t like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. – Bill Shankly

I haven’t been able to slam-dunk the basketball for the past five years. Or, for the thirty-eight years before that, either. – Dave Barry

Basketball is like photography, if you don’t focus, all you have is the negative. – Dan Frisby

The game is too long, the season is too long and the players are too long. – Jack Dolph (on basketball)

Even if you are on the right track… You’ll get run over if you just sit there! – Will Rogers