Friendship Quotes – a large collection of famous and inspirational quotes


Tag: love songs

Mark Allan Hoppus from Blink 182 Quotes

Mark_Allan_Hoppus– “To sum up Tom in one word would be: feminine.
– “All we wanted to do was to headline Soma.”
– “I was always a loner.”
– “So, yeah, travelling sucks.”
– “I don’t feel like I’m a stable person at all.”
– “My idea of total misery is sitting in traffic.”
– “Yes, I’ve cried at sad movies.”
– “My mom hates the title, she told me the other day, «Your grandmother keeps asking what the title of the new record is, but I won’t tell her.»” – about Enema of the State
– “It’s all happy, sing along love songs. ” – about the new record
– “None of us really surf that much; surfing is really hard. You have to spend a lot of time in the water and there’s no other sport in the world that actually has monsters that want to eat you while you’re doing it.”

– “The recent history of San Diego music came from the grunge movement.”

– “A lot of the punk-rock scene is usually against people associating themselves with products.”

– “If you look in a crowd and there’s one person just getting the shit beat out of them, it’s probably the Blink fan.” – Blink 182 fan

– “Skater kids don’t take themselves seriously, because they’ve mostly been pigeonholed as losers.”

– “I totally masturbate! And I jack off! Whooooooo!”

– “I think age is a stupid number.”

– “I can’t speak for any other bands, but I don’t like anger, I don’t like aggression. I hate music that’s all about that.”

– “The whole punk-rock elitism thing has gone away, and now people are more accepting of music as music; instead of as status.”

– “I came from punk rock, but who knows if I’m punk.”

– “I’ll be the first to admit I’m not an accomplished bass player.”

– “I know I’ve got a disgusting body, but I think it’s funny, so I’m gonna make people laugh at it.”

– “If you ever end up there, you really pissed off God.” – about Ridgecrest, CA

– “I think there’s nothing more awkward or stupid looking than a naked guy.”

-” We’re like, Fisher-Price: My First Punk Band.”

– “I was very direction less and stupid.” – on his earlier years

– “I like boats.”

– “It would suck to go to your grave wondering what you could have done with your band if you didn’t try.”

– “Make yourself do something stupid, so when you really do something stupid you won’t feel so bad.”

– “Never let anyone tell you how to live your life.”

– “If at first you don’t succeed, pay someone to do it.”

– “Screw the people that don’t understand.”

– “I don’t like the taste of beer and ice cream gives me diarrhea.”

– “Disney movies are fuckin’ bitchin’.”

– “I have no idea why people like our band. Maybe bad taste is in.”

– “If we tried to write about politics, you’d realize that we’re all a bunch of idiots.”

– “And anyone that calls me a sell-out is just jealous.”

– “Our biggest hit had a video where we made fun of boy bands. Why we would then be lumped into that is beyond me.”

– “The only thing that scares me about cocaine is deat”

– “My old band [Of All Things] was just about to start playing, and right then the acid hit me. I threw my bass down and ran like five miles into the desert.” – on his first acid trip

– “We’re not straight edge; we just don’t talk about it” – on trying drugs

– “Farts and poop are still funny and will always be funny.”

– “Yes. she does. You can tell.” – on Brittany Spears and if she has fake boobs

– “The thing that makes me happiest in the world is hanging out with my friends”.