Friendship Quotes – a large collection of famous and inspirational quotes


Tag: Samuel Rutherford

25 Night Quotes

1. “A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” – Oscar Wilde

2. “The night is bright, with a starlit sky, I sit and think, as time passes by. Oh starry night, with a moonlit sky, take me away, and tell me why. Give me a reason, for love’s end, give me a reason, for why I lost a friend. I sit and think, all night l” – Enya

3. “Las Vegas looks the way you’d imagine heaven must look at night.” – Chuck Palahniuk

4. “After winter comes the summer. After night comes the dawn. After every storm, there comes clear, open skies.” – Samuel Rutherford

5. “The man who has seen the rising moon break out of the clouds at midnight has been present like an archangel at the creation of light and of the world” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

6. “Think of your own faults the first part of the night when you are awake, and the faults of others the latter part of the night when you are asleep” – Chinese Proverbs

7. “Make sure you never, never argue at night. You just lose a good night’s sleep, and you can’t settle anything until morning anyway.” – Rose F. Kennedy

8. “Night brings our troubles to the light, rather than banishes them.” – Seneca

9. “But we that have but span-long life, The thicker must lay on the pleasure; And since time will not stay, We’ll add night to the day, Thus, thus we’ll fill the measure.” – Unknown

10. “Night is a stealthy, evil Raven, Wrapt to the eyes in his black wings.” – Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Night Quotes11. “Night comes, world-jewelled, . . . The stars rush forth in myriads as to wage War with the lines of Darkness; and the moon, Pale ghost of Night, comes haunting the cold earth After the sun’s red sea-death-quietless.” – Philip James Bailey

12. “I love night more than day–she is so lovely; But I love night the most because she brings My love to me in dreams which scarcely lie.” – Philip James Bailey

13. “Wan night, the shadow goer, came stepping in.” – Philip James Bailey

14. “The burden of Dumah. He calleth to me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?” – Bible

15. “In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men.” – Bible

16. “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” – Bible

17. “When it draws near to witching time of night.” – Robert Blair

18. “The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies With the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyes, And the heart but one: Yet the light of a whole life dies When love is done.” – Francis William Bourdillon

19. “Most glorious night! Thou wert not sent for slumber!” – Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

20. “For the night Shows stars and women in a better light.” – Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

21. “The stars are forth, the moon above the tops Of the snow-shining mountains–Beautiful! I linger yet with Nature, for the night Hath been to me a more familiar face Than that of man; and in her starry shade Of dim and solitary loveliness I learn’d the language of another world.” – Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

22. “Night’s black Mantle covers all alike. – Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas,” – Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas

23. “O radiant Dark! O darkly fostered ray! Thou hast a joy too deep for shallow Day.” – George Eliot (pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans Cross)

24. “Dark the Night, with breath all flowers, And tender broken voice that fills With ravishment the listening hours,– Whisperings, wooings, Liquid ripples, and soft ring-dove cooings In low-toned rhythm that love’s aching stills! Dark the night Yet is she bright, For in her dark she brings the mystic star, Trembling yet strong, as is the voice of love, From some unknown afar.” – George Eliot (pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans Cross)

25. “For there is no day however beautiful that is not followed by night. [Fr., Car il n’est si beau jour qui n’amene sa nuit.]” – Epitaph