Friendship Quotes – a large collection of famous and inspirational quotes


Famous Inspirational Quotes

“I had a hole in my heart, so I threw away my plate, because nothing filled me up, no matter what I ate.” – Unknown

“Fasting is a medicine” – St. John

“Self control is the quality that distinguishes the fittest to survive” – George Bernard Shaw

“Nothing tastes as good as thin feels” – Unknown

“In eating a third of the stomach should be filled with food, a third with drink and the rest left empty” – Talmud

“I saw few die of hunger, of eating 100,000” – Benjamin Franklin

“In the body, as in sculpture, perfection is not attained when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Author Unknown

“In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eat twice as much as nature requires” – Benjamin Franklin

“Most people eat as though they were fattening themselves for the market” – Author Unknown

“Three good meals a day is bad living” – Benjamin Franklin

“How many pounds till I am happy?
How many pounds till I get thin?
Three more pounds till I am skinny
Three more pounds and I win!” – Unknown

“I do eat normally – only what is needed for survival. I can’t help that we live in a piggish society where gluttony is the norm and everyone else is constantly stuffing themselves. ” – Unknown

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