Friendship Quotes – a large collection of famous and inspirational quotes


Tag: scales

Keanu Reeves Quotes

And of course to work with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton, and work with a wonderful, beautiful script directed by Nancy Meyers, it was really for me a dream come true.

Basically it starts with four months of training, just basic stretching, kicking and punching. Then you come to the choreography and getting ready to put the dance together.
Keanu Reeves

Because we’re actors we can pretend and fake it, but I’d rather the intimate investment was authentic.

Falling in love and having a relationship are two different things.

Grief changes shape, but it never ends.

Here comes 40. I’m feeling my age and I’ve ordered the Ferrari. I’m going to get the whole mid-life crisis package.

I am not handsome or sexy. Of course, it’s not like I am hopeless.

I believe in love at first sight. You want that connection, and then you want some problems.

I just felt that if I went into Speed 2, I just… wouldn’t have come up out of the water.

I loved the material when I first read it, and the experience of making the film was a great one. So when we came around to complete the trilogy, I just signed on board without even reading the scripts because the experience of the first film was so good.

I mean, if you didn’t get it or if you didn’t feel like you enjoyed it, sometimes that experience can change.

I try not to think about my life. I have no life. I need therapy.

I’m a meathead. I can’t help it, man. You’ve got smart people and you’ve got dumb people.

I’m Mickey Mouse. They don’t know who’s inside the suit.

I’m sorry my existence is not very noble or sublime.

I’ve been pleased to work with so many wonderful stars through the years. This has been an amazing journey. I hope it continues.

I’ve been really fortunate to be able to do different kinds of films in different scales, different genres, different kinds of roles, and that is important to me.

It’s fun to be hopelessly in love. It’s dangerous, but it’s fun.

It’s the journey of self, I guess. You start with this kind of loner, outside guy, which a lot of people can relate to, and he goes out into the world.

Kissing someone is pretty intimate, actually very intimate, and your heart always kind of skips a beat before you do that.

Constantin Brancusi Quotes

Constantin Brancusi is said to be the most famous Romanian sculptor. Today, we celebrate his birthday. We do it in our own way, sharing Constantin Brancusi quotes. Enjoy and share!

Architecture is inhabited sculpture.

Create like a god, command like a king, work like a slave.

Don’t look for obscure formulas or mystery in my work. It is pure joy that I offer you. Look at my sculptures until you see them. Those closest to God have seen them.

Simplicity is not an objective in art, but one achieves simplicity despite one’s self by entering into the real sense of things.

Theories are patterns without value. What counts is action.

There hasn’t been any art yet. Art is just beginning.

They are imbeciles who call my work abstract. That which they call abstract is the most realistic, because what is real is not the exterior but the idea, the essence of things.

I ground matter to find the continuous line. And when I realized I could not find it, I stopped, as if an unseen someone had slapped my hands.

Things are not difficult to make; what is difficult is putting ourselves in the state of mind to make them.

To see far is one thing, going there is another.

What is real is not the external form, but the essence of things… it is impossible for anyone to express anything essentially real by imitating its exterior surface.

When you see a fish you don’t think of its scales, do you? You think of its speed, its floating, flashing body seen through the water… If I made fins and eyes and scales, I would arrest its movement, give a pattern or shape of reality. I want just the flash of its spirit.