Friendship Quotes – a large collection of famous and inspirational quotes


Tag: Unknown

25 Inspiring Quotes

1. You had the power all along my dear. – Glinda the Good Witch.

2. Today is a new day. – Chicken Little

3. When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud either. – Leo Burnett

4. What the caterpillar calls a tragedy, the Master calls a butterfly. – Richard Bach

5. Earth’s crammed with heaven. – Elizabeth Barrett Browning

6. Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself. – Michel de Montaigne

7. She decided to enjoy more and endure less. – Unknown

8. I am unfolding in fulfilling ways. Only good can come to me. I now express health, happiness, prosperity, and peace of mind. – Unknown

9. Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours. – Ayn Rand

10. There is a connection between self-nurturing and self-respect. – Julia Cameron

11. Know that joy is rarer, more difficult, and more beautiful than sadness. Once you make this all-important discovery, you must embrace joy as a moral obligation. – Andre Gide

12. Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions all life is an experience. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

13. If the future road loom ominous or unpromising, and the road back uninviting, then we need to gather our resolve and, carrying only the necessary baggage, step off that road into another direction. – Maya Angelou

14. Breath in experience. – Muriel Rukeyser

15. Speak your mind even if your voice shakes. – Unknown

16. I rejoice in what I have and I know that fresh new experiences are always ahead. I greet the new with open arms. I trust life to be wonderful. – Louise Hay

17. Too much of a good thing can be wonderful. – Mae West

18. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. – Eleanor Roosevelt

19. Sprinkle joy. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

20. He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home. – Johann von Goethe

21. She realized that she was missing a great deal by being sensible. – Unknown

22. She was kind and loving and patient…with herself. – Unknown

23. I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I’ve ended up where I needed to be. – Douglas Adams

24. You’ll never be sad if you remember all the good things that have happened to you. – Karolina Grekov

25. What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. – Unknown

Famous Quotes for Christmas

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. – Burton Hillis

The only blind person at Christmastime is he who has not Christmas in his heart. – Helen Keller

Once again we find ourselves enmeshed in the Holiday Season, that very special time of year when we join with our loved ones in sharing centuries-old traditions such as trying to find a parking space at the mall. We traditionally do this in my family by driving around the parking lot until we see a shopper emerge from the mall, then we follow her, in very much the same spirit as the Three Wise Men, who 2,000 years ago followed a star, week after week, until it led them to a parking space. – Dave Barry

Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas. – Dale Evans Rogers

This, the spirit of Christmas, that forever and ever endures. May it leave its richest blessing in the hearts of you and yours. – Author Unknown

Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year. – Victor Borge

Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall. – Larry Wilde

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas brings us closer to each other. – Emily Matthews

The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others’ burdens, easing other’s loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of Christmas. – WC Jones

Perhaps the best Yuletide decoration is being wreathed in smiles. – Unknown

Love Quotes

“The path of love is not the path of comfort. It means going forward into the unknown, with no guarantees of safety, even though you’re afraid. Trusting is dangerous, but without trust there is no hope for love, and love is all we ever have to hold against the dark…Love is worth nothing until tested against its own defeat.” – Creina Alcock

“Love is the beauty of the soul.” – St. Augustine

“Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.” – James Baldwin

“Love is the burning point of life, and because life is suffering so is love.” – Joseph Campbell

“You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover’s arms can only come later when you’re sure they won’t laugh if you trip.” – Jonathan Carroll

“Love never hurts you. Its not loving yourself that hurts you.” – Barbara De Angelis

“For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love – this is an old rule.” – Dhammapada

“To have in general but little feeling, seems to be the only security against feeling too much on any particular occasion.” – George Eliot

“Immature love says: ‘I love you because I need you.’ Mature love says ‘I need you because I love you.'” – Erich Fromm

“If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were.” – Kahlil Gibran “The Prophet”

“Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup… Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone, Even as the strings of a lute are alone thought they quiver with the same music.” – Kahlil Gibran “The Prophet”

“Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” – Zora Neale Hurston

“So I will share this room with you
And you can have this heart to break.” – Billy Joel “So It Goes”

“You may be right
I may be crazy.
But I just may be a lunatic you’re looking for.” – Billy Joel

When you press me to your heart
I’m in a world apart
A world where roses bloom – La Vie En Rose

“Let us hesitate no longer to announce that the sensual passions and mysteries are equally sacred with the spiritual mysteries and passions.” – D.H. Lawrence

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go – Leaving on a Jet Plane

“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Trouble is part of your life, and if you don’t share it, you don’t give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough.” – Dinah Shore

“To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others.” – Anne-Sophie Swetchine

“Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. Anyone may gather it, and no limit is set.” – Mother Teresa

“You are as prone to love as the sun is to shine; it being the most delightful and natural employment of the soul of man.” – Thomas Traherne

“We tend to wear suits of armor, one over the other… We hope we will not have to completely undress.” – Chogyam Trungpa

25 Happiness Quotes to Brighten Your Day

1. “Happiness is not a brilliant climax to years of grim struggle and anxiety. It is a long succession of little decisions simply to be happy in the moment.” –J. Donald Walters

2. “What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.” –Joseph Addison

3. “Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit.” –Hosea Ballou

4. “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.” – Denis Waitley

5. “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” –Unknown

6. “A string of excited, fugitive, miscellaneous pleasures is not happiness; happiness resides in imaginative reflection and judgment, when the picture of one’s life, or of human life, as it truly has been or is, satisfies the will, and is gladly accepted.” –George Santayana

7.“There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.” –Freya Stark

8. “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” – Buddha

9. “He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.” –Alexandre Dumas

10. “There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year’s course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” –Carl Jung

11. “When I meet people from other cultures I know that they too want happiness and do not want suffering, this allows me to see them as brothers and sisters.” –Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso

12. “Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy — because we will always want to have something else or something more.” –David Steindl-Rast

13. “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” –H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

14. “If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy.” – Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

15. “No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.” –Barbara De Angelis

16. “A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” –Hugh Downs

17. “Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” – James M. Barrie

18. “No matter how much madder it may make you, get out of bed forcing a smile. You may not smile because you are cheerful; but if you will force yourself to smile, you’ll end up laughing. You will be cheerful because you smile. Repeated experiments prove that when man assumes the facial expressions of a given mental mood–any given mood–then that mental mood itself will follow.” –Kenneth Goode

19. “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.” – Anne Frank

20. “Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make them come true.” –Unknown

21. “The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances. We carry the seeds of the one or the other about with us in our minds wherever we go.” –Martha Washington

22. “Happiness consists not in having, but of being, not of possessing, but of enjoying. It is the warm glow of a heart at peace with itself.”-Norman Vincent Peale

23. “People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within.” – Ramona L. Anderson

24. “Whoever does not regard what he has as most ample wealth, is unhappy, though he be master of the world.” –Epictetus

25. “Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world.” –William Lyon Phelps

If the world was blind

If the world was blind

no one would feel ugly

no one would have starve
them selves to be skinny

girls wouldn’t waste money on tanning booths and fake eye lashes

guys wouldnt pick girls based on the hottness scale and ditch the real girls

No one would be home alone listening to their ipods they could have a chance at having a great life

Only if the world was blind

could everyone be friends and feel beautiful

Only if the world was blind

people would stay true to their relationships and never cheat

Only if the world was blind

no one would ever be emberrassed by their clothes or houses
or even their own skin

Only if the world was blind

everyone could “fit in”